Year | 2005
Location | Sharrow, Sheffield, UK
Client | Colin Harvard with Sharrow Community Forum
The Sheffield Development Framework (SDF) is currently being developed. This will replace the UDP and become the principle planning guidance in the city. The approach is different from the UDP and allows for a much greater level of input and comment from the local people. The first stage of this process is underway with the emerging options being issued and the first stage of consultation begun. The emerging options are comprehensive, ranging from strategic principles such as sustainability, to specific local issues such as parking. Possible failures of this process are the lack of an overall guiding vision and the inaccessibility of the issued documents.
Following a 2004 project in which a group of students considered issues of relevance to the Broadfield area of Sheffield, Sharrow Community Forum has invited the School to now consider the future of the “John Street Triangle” area of Sharrow. The interests in this area are multiple and diverse, from the imminent pressure of private development in the form of student flats, the existing concerns of the various local businesses and their staff, to residents and the very strong networks of local community groups in their many forms. The people and organisations identified represent some of the stakeholders in the area; however the work they produced cannot and is not intended to speak on their behalf, but to encourage participation from all of those who have an interest in the development of Sharrow.
In essence the brief was:
– Propose a ‘vision’ for a part of Sharrow
– Work closely with Sharrow Community Forum
– Inform the new Strategic Development Framework