Year | 2022
Location | Burngreave, Sheffield
Clients | Alex Sperr, Scrap Dragon CIC

For six weeks, our live project team has been working closely with Scrap Dragon: a creative reuse centre based in Burngreave, Sheffield. They are a great community resource providing materials for arts, craft and play, inspiring creativity sustainably and affordably.

Being a non-profit community interest company, run entirely by volunteers, our outputs were to target an increase in company profitability, ultimately allowing for a full-time working position in the future. The project led to the production of a detailed and cohesive branding package that was informed by both the client and local community. Regular site visits were carried out to learn more about the people of Burngreave, along with a series of community engagement events where the outcomes of which became the inspiration to our work. Aiming to build and sustain neighbourhood ties, the first event was held at the Verdon Recreation Centre just beside Scrap Dragon, promoting not only a better relationship with the immediate community, but also an awareness of Scrap Dragon and the potential their products hold. This was indorsed further during our Live Works event, targeting the wider community, and publicising the new Scrap Dragon with finalised designs of leaflets, toolboxes, and logo.

Our live project tasks focused on bringing Scrap Dragon to people and not just contrariwise, so this cultivated into the production of a moveable and stackable toolbox that could be brought to future events or rented out to schools and churches. This along with kits that could provide fun new ideas for certain creations that could be made with typical scrap materials. Other outputs include the rejuvenation of their shop front and expanding their online resources with the creation of a website and Instagram allowing for an improved in person and online presence. Our long-term goals were realised through a vision for the future, highlighting aspirations Scrap Dragon could strive towards within their current premises, including a temporary installation used for local events and a colour filled shop front.

Throughout Discovering Scrap Dragon, we have gained invaluable experience and insight in working collaboratively and effectively with a real client. By putting our creativity, architectural skills, and knowledge to use, we collectively designed and fabricated informed digital and physical outputs that will be beneficial to the client both long term and short term, while broadening their reach to stakeholders and building relationships with the local community.

Instagram: @scrapdragonsheffield


Mentor: Jo Sharples
Client: Alex Sperr, Scrap Dragon CIC
Location: Burngreave, Sheffield
Students: Dane Carlos, Iris Wong, Katarzyna Bogucka, Francesca Lloyd, Haonan Zuo, Ghada Mohamad, Avantika Pareek, Suying Liu, Joseph Bayley, Saylah Hussain, Xianwen Ma, Bohan Si, Marcus Harding.