Year I 2019
Location I South Yorkshire, UK
Client I South Yorkshire Housing Association
The Live Well Live Projects kick starts a year long collaboration between South Yorkshire Housing Association and the Sheffield School of Architecture – The Project Stack. The two live projects this year both focus on SYHA’s Live Well Assets. The Live Well Live Project takes a more macro look at the live well assets while the Cuthbert Bank Live Project looks a micro look at one specific building.
The brief of our Live Project was to understand the needs of Live Well staff, to what level their buildings meet these needs, how the buildings could be better designed to meet these needs – alongside improving communication networks between on-site staff and decision makers at South Yorkshire Housing Association. This would then result in improving the wellbeing of Live Well residents. We expanded on this initial brief to include an analysis and understanding of Live Well residents and how the buildings work for them, undergoing research into how serviced housing should be designed and proposing a ‘design guide’ to aid with the design of future, purpose built, Live Well properties.
We have produced four documents to be used in conjunction with each other. The Introduction document acts as the starting point to the project and introduces our brief and aims. The participation document shows our engagement throughout the six week Live Project and it illustrates our findings that are fed into our Design and Analysis documents. The Analysis document is a critical investigation of the existing network of Live Well properties. Finally the Research and Design document extracts principles from our analysis to be used in existing and proposed properties.