Year | 2018
Location | Hillsborough, Sheffield
Client | All About You

Building Sutton Sheds is a SSoA Live Project in collaboration with All About You (North) and Inclusion in Action (CiC). The project sees the regeneration of the William Sutton Community Hall on Dunella Road, Hillsborough, in order to improve the inclusivity and accessibility of the existing space. In addition, the project envisions a phased proposal to convert the derelict garages opposite the hall into a community workshop space called Sutton Sheds.
The primary purpose of the Sutton Sheds is to host ‘Men’s Sheds’ and ‘She Sheds’ programmes: two fantastic schemes which will provide a creative space where ‘Shedders’ of all ages and abilities can learn and develop practical skills. The workshops will provide a home for a broad range of activities, such as woodwork, metalwork, pottery and art & crafts.
At the core of this project, our vision was not merely to design a new workshop space, but to create a community hub in the heart of the Sutton Estate, enhancing social connections and friendships across the local community. The project developed with mental health and personal wellbeing in mind, creating a social space which is welcoming and accessible to all. We believe that making and creating can be a tool for healing and hope that the Sutton Sheds will provide a safe and friendly space for this to happen.
As the project brief evolved we split the scheme into several phases in order to effectively deliver different brief objectives, and allowing for the incremental nature of the funding process. Through our outputs the project can continue to flourish and we hope the legacy of Sutton Sheds will continue to blossom into an diverse and inclusive community hub, where All About You, Clarion Futures and Inclusion in Action can continue to work collaboratively to fulfill their missions.
We would like to say a special thank you to everyone at All About You, Karen and Ryszard, Clarion Futures, Jess and Sarah, Inclusion in Action, Sandra and Philip, everyone at Barnsley Men’s Shed as well as our mentor Jenny Clemence for your help and guidance throughout this project.
Follow Us:
Instagram: @allaboutyounorth
Website: www.allaboutyounorth.wordpress.com