Year | 2009
Location | Paris, France
Client | Le100, établissement culturel solidaire, Paris with Atelier d’architecture autogérée
The ECOroof project explores urban food production, ecology, self-managed architecture and collaborative working methods. It was realised by the aaa – atelier d’architecture autogérée – and a team of 6 students from Sheffield School of Architecture. The project was achieved during 10 days spent in the 12th arrondissement of Paris on the rooftop of an ex-EDF energy building occupied by le 100 – an artist’s collective – keen to grow their own food.
The prototype is a site specific, replicable construction which seeks to demonstrate and test elements of a wider strategy to green the entire roof. Aims of the project include a desire to grow food on-site in as sustainable a way as possible. It is constructed from recycled materials, irrigated by rainwater and fed with compost produced on site. It will test the suitability of plant species, design solutions and provoke discussion among the users about the wider use of the roof.